Friday, July 26, 2024

Heidi Swapp 10 Day Tag Challenge, Day 8

Today's challenge is to create a travel tag that represents some place you'd like to go, some place you've been, or a travel goal you may have. I had this extra photo from my last cruise and it fit perfectly with today's challenge. 

Each of the tags represents an airport I traveled through to finally get to our meet-up point in Athens. First stop, Spokane, about a 2 1/2 hr drive from my house. 
The photo is in Kotor, Montenegro taken on my birthday, 2019. My favorite part of that cruise, other than being on the ship, which is my absolute favorite, was Italy. I would go back in heartbeat. 
I searched online for vintage airport travel tags as my jumping off point. I super duper love how these turned out!! This one is Spokane International Airport. Never did figure out how their call letters are GEG and not something like SPO or SIA. LOL 
Next stop, SeaTac. We could easily have driven to Seattle instead of Spokane, it's about the same distance time-wise. But the traffic is horrid and the airport is so busy, and I don't move as quickly as I used to, so I much prefer Spokane's smaller, less hectic airport where I don't have to try and run. LOL 
From SeaTac it was off to Paris, France. I still want to actually visit Paris and see the Eiffel Tower. This was just land and catch the final flight. But I did see the Eiffel Tower from the sky, so there's that. Some day.
And Athens, Greece, my final destination by plane. This was where we (my sister and I took the cruise together) met all the cruise peeps and caught the bus to the ship. Best trip of my life! 

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