Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Heidi Swapp 10 Day Tag Challenge, Day 6

Today's challenge is to give yourself permission to do those things you keep putting off - those self-care things we all tell everyone else to do and seem to never get to ourselves. Here is my version of this challenge. Thanks for looking. 

My color scheme today is Distress Oxide Chipped Sapphire, Stormy Sky, Peeled Paint and Antique Linen (with a little Lumberjack Plaid thrown in). I don't know why, but I really love tickets. I feel almost like a little kid standing in line at the fair to get on the rides when I think about tickets. Am I too weird for words? Haha!

I am, hereby, giving myself permission to play if I need it, freak out if I need it, eat the snacks for heavens sake (you can't deprive yourself of ALL the goodness ALL the time) and permission to press pause once in a while. We ALL can use a little of that, right?

Warning: Be afraid; Proceed with caution; easily annoyed; hungry 
Adulting: ONE star - do not recommend 

What are  you giving yourself permission to do that is different than my list? It's going to be fun to see everyone's version of this challenge!

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