Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mass Make March, Day 15, 16, 17


We stamped on sticker paper, super simple. I had only white, so I ink blended the whole thing first. You can do any color you want, but I didn't want white. Cutting them all by hand is a chore, but if you enjoy fussy cutting in front of the tv, go for it. I have never really enjoyed fussy cutting, but you can end up with cool stuff if you're patient enough, so it's a trade-off for me. LOL

All hand cut and ready to use


Today we used some of our stamped ephemera stickers to create clusters. I loving making clusters. They make crafting so much faster and easier when you can just grab an already made piece and add it to  your journal, or whatever project. 

I started with lots of Heidi Swapp tags, tickets, and journaling cards etc. and ink dyed them first (this is pre-dyed of course).

I created 13 pieces. A good start I think.
Keep in mind the largest piece is 2 3/4 x 3 1/2 inches


Have you created master boards? This was a new term to me and I must say, what a time saver for junk journalers and the like. I made three of them, each one 8 1/2x11 inches, and I love them all, but I have to say the yellow is my favorite. 

The first one I forgot to take a picture of before I started cutting it up. Oops. Anyway, here is part of it.

And here are all the pieces I created from just the one sheet. So cool.

The second piece....

...and all the goodies I made with it.
And my favorite. I got this yellow roses and butterflies paper from Amazon. I was ordering something else and came across this 6x6 paper pack. I'm not a fan of yellow, but this shade is beautiful and it is perfect with the butterflies. 
All the pieces I made from the yellow paper. 

I will definitely be making master boards again when I have a pile of scraps. These were so much fun, plus you end up with so many great pre-made pieces for your projects. With just these three letter size sheets, I ended up with 55 pieces for future projects. Woohoo! I'm getting a nice stash again! 

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