Scrapendipity does not have a design team. Please note there is a DT Call for a "new brand" going by the name of Scrap'n Dipity, which is in no way affiliated with me or my blog or Facebook Fan page, Scrapendipity Studio. It is NOT me. I just don't want anyone thinking they will be working with me if they choose to apply for this team.
Feel free to spread the word. Thank you.

Scrapendipity does not have a design team. Please note there is a DT Call for a "new brand" going by the name of Scrap'n Dipity, which is in no way affiliated with me or my blog or Facebook Fan page, Scrapendipity Studio. It is NOT me. I just don't want anyone thinking they will be working with me if they choose to apply for this team.
Feel free to spread the word. Thank you.