Friday, June 05, 2009

Friday is my favorite day of the week

Do you have a favorite day of the week? I don't know what it is, I suppose it stems from school or something, but Friday has always been my favorite day. I like it even more than Saturday. LOL

Yesterday was my birthday! Mom and dad made the 225 mile trip from Longbranch (one way) to visit for the day. It was really nice to see them. They hadn't been over for several years so they hadn't yet seen all the redecorating I've been busy with the past few years. Later we went to Chinese for dinner and it was delish, as always. The place has the funniest name, and I was surprised to find they even have a website! They are grand opening a sushi bar next week end so the pics on the site are not up to date yet. The renovations they've made are real nice. Anyway here's Mommy Yum Yum, Ephrata's Asian cuisine restaurant.

Hope you're set for a fun weekend. Looks like it will be a gorgeous one here in Ephrata, Washington!

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