
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Big Changes, BIG

Today is the day of Randy's surgery. If you've been following at all, you know this is a major life change for us both. He is mentally in a good place and ready to have it done so he can begin the recovery process. I am also as ready as I can be, mentally, to begin a whole new chapter. We've been together 42 years and would have never in a million years thought this would be part of our story, yet, here we are. If you had asked us 15 years ago, we would have told you we'd still be taking motorcycle trips at this stage of our lives. Those were some fun times, for sure. 

Circa 1982

I've been going over in my mind for weeks and weeks the things we'll have to do differently, that I will have to do differently, to accommodate his new situation. He's comfortable with crutches, he insists, so I won't push for a wheelchair until or unless he wants one. We don't know yet how long until he can start thinking seriously about the kind of prosthetic he'll need, but those questions will be answered in the coming days, I'm sure. Praying he heals well and quickly so he can come home in a few days, rather than weeks. 

Right now I'm thanking the Lord for the patience He has given me in these past several years, knowing it's probably the medication, but so thankful still. I was not a patient person in my younger years, so this is fairly new and wonderful. There will be trials, I'm well aware, and over the past several months I've learned even more about just making myself available when Randy needs me. He has never been one to ask for help so this has all been quite difficult, for him especially, just from that aspect alone. He's getting better at letting me know when he wants help, and I'm being less anxious or stressed when he needs me to help out. You really can teach old dogs new tricks. Ha!


  1. Hugs 💕 and prayers for a quick and seamless recovery.

  2. Shar, you and Randy are in my prayers. Prayers for no complications, the adaptations you both will be making, and for the Lord's peace. thanks for the updates!


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