
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hello blog followers!

It has been so long since I have updated this poor, old blog. That is not to say I haven't been crafting though. If you follow me in Instagram or Facebook you've seen my latest creations. Also, I would like to extend an invitation to you to join the Scrapendipity Studio Crafters Group on Facebook! Come join us for inspiration and share your craftiness. We'd love to see you there.

And here I come to see what's going on around here and find the background has up and disappeared! Well, redoing my blog was not on my list of things to do today, but here we are. What do you think? I hope you like it. Some of you had commented that it was hard to read, so I've enlarged the font some as well. Hopefully, that will be better for you. Please let me know in the comments (it looks HUGE to me!)

Ok, so since my last post a lot has happened. In June, my sister and I went on what is becoming an annual event, my second cruise. This time on the Mediterranean. Most of our shore time was spent in Greece and Italy, though we also saw Gibraltar, Spain, France and Montenegro. There is nothing like the history and architecture of Europe! America is so young, there is nothing to compare to the ancient buildings, statues, and structures. It's truly amazing and beautiful. Here is just a handful of photos from our trip. Some you may have seen on Facebook, some I haven't yet shared.

I did two albums, a 6x8 and a 4x6; the smaller one is Pompeii alone as there were soooo many pictures. I was literally in awe the whole time. Rather than try to make hundreds of scrapbook pages, I used the awesome SNAP system by Simple Stories and their Cruisin' paper collection - it all came together very nicely. There are easily a few hundred pictures in here, so having the pocket pages was absolutely the way to go. I highly recommend this style if you have tons of pics for one event.

Santorini, Greece

Kotor, Montenegro

Our Lady of the Rocks

 Amalfi Coast, Italy

Amalfi Square

Fontana del Popolo, the Fountain of the People


Artifacts found during excavating the city
Barcelona, Spain

The Golden Fish, built for the 1992 Olympic Games

I'll be back with more pics of the trip in another post. Please leave comments if you have any questions and I'll be happy to share if I have the answer...or even if you just want to say hi! You can also email me or find me on Instagram or Facebook.

Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. Awesome trip. Love the two little albums. Makes me start thinking of scrapping my vacations.


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