
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wally's paid off!

Wasn't looking forward to Wally's on a Saturday, but the cupboards were bare and we really needed to get groceries so I ventured out and braved our Super Wally's. I only had to say 'excuse me' once when those ladies standing in front of the lettuce bin pretended I was standing there holding an empty veggie bag for my health {rude people piss me off}, and I only had to hide two carts from their MIA owners today. At least I didn't get into any fist fights. Hubs insists I fight my way through the store every week leaving a trail of bruised and battered Walcreatures in my wake. HAHAHA!!! 

But today was not too bad considering they were having 50% off sections all throughout the store. Not only were these two Cricut Lite carts marked down from $39 to $29, but then I got 50% off that. I couldn't pass them up at $14.50 each! I also picked up this super wide sheer ribbon {wish they had other colors too} and this pack of colored fine sharpies. Hadn't seen those before and, what do you know, they jumped right into my cart. How fortuitous! 

Happy weekend crafty peeps. Don't forget to pop in tomorrow for a very special blog hop! ;)

East coasters you are all in my thoughts and prayers. May God kick bitchy Irene's butt and keep you all safe!!! {smoochies!}


  1. I think there is something in that package of Sharpies. They just magically jumped in my cart a few days ago too. I LOVE THEM, so it was okay they did that. But I blame some default in the packaging. I also had Sharpie pencils and regular black pens jump in my cart, well the pencils did, the pens were a planned purchase.

  2. Wow! awesome purchases. I wish mine would mark those carts down.


  3. Walcreatures!?! Love it I am stealing it and using it from now on. LOL

    Great score on the lite carts! I heart sharpies too...they always seem to end up in my basket. :)

    Ruthie :)

  4. Man Shar you did score...what a great deal on the carts! Wish I could find deals like Have a great evening!!!

  5. you lucky duck. I seriously just got back from Walmart. I made my husband take me because Mary from Cardztv said she scored some goodies there too! ugh! Mine doesn't even carry Cricut anymore! I am so bummed! have fun!

  6. Glad you had fun grocery Shopping, LMAO. My wally's was bare too all the lites seems to have disappeared :{{


  7. YAY! It was a great day! Wish I could get some lite carts on sale too! Jumping for joy for you!

  8. Major Score! I won't be going to my Wal Mart because they don't have these deals. (but the Walcreatures are there for sure, LOL)


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