
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

I'm so honored!!!!

My sweet friend Vicki at Green Eyed Girl Crafts has honored me with the Stylish Blogger Award!!! I'm so excited!! Thank you, Vicki!! :)

Ok, the nitty gritty of the award, which I shall be passing along (see below):
1-) Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2-) Share 7 things about yourself.
3-) Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers. (eek 15??? I don't even know that many bloggers, to be honest, but I'll pass it along!!)
4-) Contact the blogger and tell them about the award.

Here you are,
Seven Random Things About Me

1-) I'm the oldest of four; me, sister, bro, sister in that order. There are 6 years between me and my youngest sister.
2-) I LOVE organizing and sorting and keeping things neat and tidy. I'd totally love to do one of those Mission Organization type tv shows! Well, ok, or a crafting show. I'm called Martha Jr. by my family. LOL
3-) I love to drive. Love, love, love it. I've taken the kids on vaca, just us, and put over 4000 miles on my car in 3 weeks driving from Washington to San Diego and back, and parts nearby. It was a total blast!
4-) I will go ballistic if you put your socks on me. Especially if you are wearing them. Seriously. Do not attempt.
5-) I HATE snakes. Can't even look at pictures of them without getting anxiety.
6-) Word games. I love word games, spelling, and vocabulary.
7-) Scrapping is the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm able to use all my various crafty talents in more ways than I imagined in this one hobby. It's been a wonderful, wonderful blessing to "meet" so many people, in real life and online, who also enjoy this hobby. Scrappers are the best group of people in the whole, wide, wonderful world!!!!

And without further ado, here are the bloggers to whom I pass along this award:

Nikki, ScrappinNavyWife, my sista from another mista - Her cards rock my socks of. She's so talented and I love her pants off. {hee hee}

Emily, Scrapbook Fool, another DT sister who has a fresh, funky scrapping style that makes me smile. Not to mention she's just cute as a button her own self. ;)

My birthday twin, Pam, whose blog is Two Days in February. Pam makes the most gorgeous vintage looking goodies. I LOVE vintage. I could never hold a candle to Pam's yummyness in that area. And by birthday twin, I mean twin...we were born only hours apart! Isn't that cool. :)

and finally, to my dear friend Darla, who is an inspiration in so many ways. Her blog is called Forced Optimism. She rocks the workouts, the diet, the running....all the things most of us hate LOL....and has done an amazing job becoming a healthier person--all by herself, I might add! On top of that, she's an awesome scrapbooker as well! I love you, Dar, and I'm so very proud of you!!!! Muah!!!


  1. Awwwwwwww!! I love you bunches too Shar, we are SO out of touch girl! Gotta catch up soon! I will call you ok?? XOXOXO
    Thanks for the award, you are the bomb!

  2. Jeez! Sorry I suck and missed this!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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