
Monday, February 28, 2011

we're getting there

Happy day...blood draw was not as easy as usual, but with every area already poked with holes, she did a great job of not torturing me too much. LOL And smart girl took a little extra while she was already in there. ;) Tomorrow afternoon I see the doc for follow up and I totally anticipate a 100% clean bill of health. I'll be happy with 99% if I have to be, but I'm doing great, feeling great, and breathing on my own since all day yesterday - and maintaining the numbers on my own too. Yay!

Again, thank you all for your good thoughts, prayers and emails. :)

I love you,


  1. So glad you are feeling better! Prayers for continued good health!
    Hugs, Janice

  2. That's good news.
    Glad to hear you getting better :o)

  3. Shar... I just love your blog... so I awarded you the stylish blogger award. Check out my blog for details... Vicki


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