
Saturday, May 01, 2010

Happy National Scrapbooking Day, Crafty Friends

Hope you're enjoying a fun scrappy weekend. I plan to play and play!!! And the best part is, Grace will be here with me scrapping and entering contests and challenges too. She loves scrapbook challenges! We'll be joining the buggies at Scrapbuggy for NSD fun. Hope to see some of you over there. There will be drawings, contest and prizes. You can't win if you don't play! Also check out Scrapendipity Studio fan page on Facebook for RAKs and giveaways throughout the weekend.

On a completely random note, guess who I saw at Walmart today.....none other than Santa Claus, himself! Yes, the fat white haired guy in a red shirt! He turned his head just as I snapped his pic. I guess he hoped I wouldn't recognize him or something. Too late! I saw you, Santa!


  1. Bob said that "Santa" hangs out at the cafe in Lakeview (The Desert Diner).


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