
Thursday, February 04, 2010

Healing hand

The hand is doing well and healing pretty quickly I think, considering what I did to it. Saw the ortho on Tuesday and had the stitches removed--OMG that hurt!!!--and as of today I'm no longer covering it with gauze, tape, or bandaids. Still doesn't look real purty, but sure beats those awful, black sutures, and it's still swollen but mostly on the inside if that makes sense. The knuckles are really tender yet as two of them are fractured so that will take some time. My hand looks rather like a paw still. LOL I need to be extra cautious and remain aware that it's not healed yet though--I keep bumping it and that is so not pleasant.

The best news is I'm getting more movement every day. But the strength and dexterity are going to take awhile I'm afraid. I'm typing pretty fast though for using only my left hand and right index finger. Now if I can just hold the scissors so I can scrap a little faster. ;)

If I keep making progress I won't have to go back for any physical therapy or anything. Yay.


  1. Take it easy and be careful!

  2. hope the progress will continue and your hand will be as good as new soon!!

  3. So Glad to hear your on the mend.
    I think the crafting is the best medicine.. which will mean no Physio.. Horray..


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