
Saturday, January 23, 2010


I won't be posting CHA QK pics after all- please see them at Scrapbuggy

I fell really hard in the parking lot Friday morning, chasing something that blew out of my cart in the wind. Over extended my hand and dislocated the middle finger --folded the finger backwards so far it ripped it open (yes, skin tore open all across the underside of my finger at the crease of the knuckle!) and also tore an artery. I thought I broke it because the muscle was sticking out the tear. OWIE Blood squirting everywhere. Luckily the hospital is only a couple of blocks away. 3 hours in the ER, seven stitches, splint, morphine - it's bad. I see a specialist in two weeks to be sure it won't require surgery. In the meantime, I won't be typing or scrapping much. All my fingers are swollen and bruised. I'm on pain meds and antibiotics. And I wish I wasn't such a spaz cuz this HURTS!!!

It took me forever to type this message with one finger left handed which I am copying and pasting to everyone. LOL

Please be patient with me for the next several weeks as I don't expect there will be much activity on my blog.

Thanks so much for all the get well wishes and emails.


  1. Shar, you are not alone. Last August I dislocated my elbow, broke the radial head, broke the ulnar head as well as broke the ulna mid-shaft. All that was on the left On the right I shattered my wrist. And just for good measure broke my nose in the process. Sad thing was, I was simply walking. Imagine if I had tried chewing gum.

    All that is to say find yourself a REALLY good hand specialist and one associated with a hand therapy clinic.

    Good luck and feel free to email me if you have any questions.
    Best, Jenn

  2. Shar i am sooo sorry. but again thank you Lord for good drugs. susan

  3. I hope you mend quickly! Take good care of you.

  4. OUCH!!
    Bit obvious but that sounds sooo painful.
    Poor you, hope you get better soon


Comments welcome. Leave your email in comment if you'd like a reply. ~Shar