
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Gracie's First Christmas

Gracie's favorite gift was this adorable velvet hat and matching purse grama gave her for her first Christmas. Only 10 months old and she was already head over heels for all things girlie. And she still is! :)

She's All Girl

Grace has always loved being a girl. She loves shoes, clothes, purshes, Barbie dolls and makeup. Here she is putting on Bare Escentuals makeup with grama. Mmmm, tasty.

Cute as a Bug

I made several outfits for Grace about this age and we did a fashion show trying them all on her. The look on her face tells you how nuts she must have thought we were changing her clothes over and over again. LOL. This was out favorite of the summer outfits. Isn't it cute!

Funny Hat

What a ham! Grace has always loved hats and this funny one always made us laugh. She's so cute in this goofy thing how can you not!? And speaking of hams, check out those thighs! LOL

Little Elvis

This picture always cracks me up. She has a little Elvis sneer! LOL This is one of the first times she actually smiled for the camera.

Gracie's 1st Birthday

Ever since this day, Grace has been a party nut! She LOVES parties of any kind, dressing up and just having fun. In the first photo on the left she shows grampa her pretty new outfit. In the pocket on the second page is a matchbook mini album with more photos of her party. Two of them are shown below. Her favorite gifts were shoes and clothes. All girl for sure!

Newborn page

Grace at the hospital about 6 hours old. I made a folder which I mounted the main photo onto, then inside is a mini-book with more hospital photos.

I'm ready mom....LET'S GO!

Grace has always loved being outside. Even when she was just a few weeks old the only thing that would calm her when she couldn't sleep was going outside for some fresh air with daddy. Just look how excited she is to be going for a walk with mommy and grama. What a sweetie pie!

Grampa & Gracie

Grace was actually about 3 weeks old here. Can't tell how quickly Randy was wrapped around her pudgy little finger, can you. :)

Baby Kisses

From the moment Gracie was born she and Jeffery had an immediate bond. As if you couldn’t tell by these pictures, Gracie completely adores her big brother. This is just one of the many times she would scootch across the floor just to give him a kiss. And you can see by his face how much he loved it. Is this the cutest or what!?

For Gracie's "Baby's First Year" Album

Introduction page with baby announcement made by my dd, Cyndi, Gracie's mommy, who insists she is not a scrapper. Um. Yeah you are, Cyndi!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Scrap-a-Faire 2007

OMG what a blast! Today is the last day of Scrap-a-Faire by Scrapbooks Etc. I'm so sad that it's ending. BOOHOO!!!! But what a fabulous job they did pulling everything together for this event. For a first time endeavor, everyone involved did a phenomenal job and I am very impressed. In addition to all the great booths, features and classes, the lounge chat was visited by all the admin folks who took down all our suggestions for changes and improvements for the next faire. They are already planning SAF II for November and I'm so excited. Read more here!

I took only two classes this time, they are the first scrapping classes I have ever taken!! If you have a chance to take a class by Leah Fung, DO SO! She's very thorough in her instructions and pdf files and her rolodex reminder project is the stinkinest cute little booger. Here's mine so far. I still have a few cards to make for special occasions, but here's the project.

I'm also taking Melissa Inman's School Album in a Snap class which is great so far too. I won't get to start on it till after SAF is over, but the pdf is great and I've listened to her presentation a few times to catch any little tips and tricks she has applied to the project.

Besides the rolodex class, which I swear I should get commission on as I've shouted praise from the mountaintops and convinced umpteen peeps to take it ;) , the chat in the lounge area has been so much fun I've spent way too much time in there!!! I could have (well should have!) had my class done in a couple of days had I not met so many wonderful people in the SAF Lounge. We've had such a blast chatting, sharing, being silly and just enjoying meeting everyone. I hope we will all keep in touch. I can hardly wait till the next one!

Oh and by the way......I won a $50 Amex CC on the last day of the faire!!! WOOHOOO!!!Thank you, Scrapbooks Etc.!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Scroll to the bottom .....

Not sure what's up with blogger but every once in a while all my goodies get shoved to the bottom of the page and no amount of refreshing or rebooting fixes it. Just suddenly will fix on its own.

So to see my slideshows and tour my studio, please scroll to the bottom of the page. Thanks!